
Begehungen8 (chemnitz,de,20.08.2011)

A list of things that spectators gave me:

+ one meal (some vegetarian food, cheese with sauce and warm noodles)
+ one orange juice
+ one meal (some vegetarian food, cheese with sauce and warm noodles)
+ one orange juice
+ 1 Euro
+ 2 Euro
+ cacao wafer
+ two ciggaretes
+ lighter
+ gel sweet
+ 4 Euro for buying manifesto
+ banana
+ one cup of beer (at last)
+ 1 Euro
+ one beer
+ € 0,50 Euro
+ one ciggaretes
+ one apple liqueur
+ € 4 Euro
+ Waffelhappchen Kakao-Kirsch
+ one beer
+ one beer
+ one cigarette
+ one beer
+ one apricot bar

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